
SQL upload ( 0 ) x-

服务器: localhost »数据库: information_schema »视图: TABLES
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崩溃 扩展 显示跟踪 隐藏跟踪 数量 : 用时 :

崩溃 扩展 重新查询 编辑 解析 性能分析 书签 查询失败 数据库 : 查询时间 :



文档 仅使用图标、文字或都使用。
文档 仅使用图标、文字或都使用。
文档 Whether a user should be displayed a "show all (rows)" button.
文档 浏览结果集时显示的行数。若结果集总行数超过该值,将会显示 "上一页" 和 "下一页" 的链接。
文档 SMART - 即对 TIME、DATE、DATETIME 和 TIMESTAMP 类型的字段递减排序,其它字段递增。
文档 高亮鼠标指针所在的行。
文档 高亮选中的行。
文档 每 X 单元格重复表头,要禁止此功能请设为 0
文档 浏览非数字字段时最多显示的字数。
文档 这些是编辑、复制和删除链接。
文档 缺少唯一键时是否显示行链接。
文档 默认用主键为表排序。
文档 当浏览表时使用上次的排序方式。
文档 显示选项
Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. 文档
正在显示第 0 - ... 此视图的行数最少有这么多。请参阅档案 行 (查询花费 0.0103 秒。)
def README_TO_RECOVER_TN README BASE TABLE InnoDB 10 Compact 1 16384 16384 0 0 0 NULL2024-04-30 08:16:55 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULL
def gym README BASE TABLE InnoDB 10 Compact 1 16384 16384 0 0 0 NULL2024-04-30 08:16:55 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULL
def information_schema ALL_PLUGINS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=9441
def information_schema APPLICABLE_ROLES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL979 0 16691950 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=17137
def information_schema CHARACTER_SETS SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL384 0 16434816 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=43690
def information_schema COLLATIONS SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL231 0 16704765 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=72628
def information_schema COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL195 0 16357770 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=86037
def information_schema COLUMNS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=2799
def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL2893 0 16759149 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=5799
def information_schema ENABLED_ROLES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL387 0 16563213 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=43351
def information_schema ENGINES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL731 0 16663145 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=22951
def information_schema EVENTS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=611
def information_schema FILES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL2677 0 16758020 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=6267
def information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL6340 0 16762960 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=2646
def information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL6340 0 16762960 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=2646
def information_schema KEY_CACHES SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL659 0 16650294 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=25458
def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL4637 0 16762755 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=3618
def information_schema PARAMETERS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=6030
def information_schema PARTITIONS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=5579
def information_schema PLUGINS SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=9441
def information_schema PROCESSLIST SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=15391
def information_schema PROFILING SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL308 0 16562084 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=54471
def information_schema REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL4814 0 16767162 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=3485
def information_schema ROUTINES SYSTEM VIEW Aria 10 Page NULL0 8192 4503599627288576 8192 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=576
def information_schema SCHEMATA SYSTEM VIEW MEMORY 10 Fixed NULL3464 0 16738048 0 0 NULL2024-05-05 00:39:34 NULLNULLutf8_general_ci NULLmax_rows=4843

mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'pma'@'localhost' (using password: NO)